The reference list contains the building for which the company AIRTECH GROUP s. r. o. implemented a complex supplies including the Environmental Engineering Project (air conditioning, heating, industrial HVAC, exhaust systems).


Plant for the production of beverage cans Schmalbach – Lubeca CAN Europe Ejpovice
Plant for the production of automotive components BORGERS Hrádek u Rokycan
Plant for the production of automotive components BORGERS CS Volduchy – PUR hall – details >>
Glassworks Sklárny Kavalier Sázava a. s.
Plant for the production of radiators KERMI Stříbro – details >>
Plant for the production of optical glass RODENSTOCK ČR s. r. o. Klatovy
Plant for the production of ski poles NOVASPORT – LEKI Tachov
Plant for the production of shelf components WUPPERMANN Holýšov
Printing and bokbinding machinery REUS – Oldenbourg Gruppe Plzeň – Karlov – details >>
Printing plant TYPOS a. s. Plzeň
Air of precision casting KDYNIUM a. s. Kdyně
MKS technical textiles s. r. o. Hazlov
Printing plant and bindery KS Katalog Servis s. r. o. Šťáhlavy – details >>
Book bindery KS Katalog Servis s. r. o. Břasy
Book bindery KS Katalog Servis s. r. o. Křimice
Laboratory and plant Jan Becher – Karlovarská Becherovka a. s.
Prining machine Lithoman, Heckel GmbH Norimberk
Emission reduction VOC RODENSTOCK ČR s. r. o. Klatovy
Workplace thermal spraying ŠKODA, Výzkum, s. r. o. Plzeň
Complete light and hard air  incinerator Spalovna Liberec
Reconstruction of the excitation block  No B21 Power station Prunéřov
Reconstruction of the excitation block  No B22 Power station Prunéřov
Reconstruction of the excitation block  No B23 Power station Prunéřov
Reconstruction of the excitation block  No B24 Power station Prunéřov
Reconstruction of the excitation block  No B25 Power station Prunéřov
Reconstruction of the excitation block  No B24 Power station Ledvice
Excitation block  500 MW Power station Mělník
Hotel komplex Darovanský Dvůr
Hotel komplex FRANK Jindřichův Hradec
Sewage treatment plant Plzeň
ČESKÝ TELECOM a. s. – air conditioning switchboardes
Offices POLYMET s. r. o. Plzeň